to Consider
II: The Production of Surplus-Value and
the Distinctiveness of the Capitalist Division of Labor
Sunday, February
26, 2017
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references are to the 1976 Vintage
Edition of Capital,Vol. I
Part II: The Transformation of Money into Capital
4: The General Formula for Capital
1.What is
the valorization of value? (pp. 252-254)
2.Why does
Marx call value a “self-moving substance”?
(p. 256)
5: contradictions in the General Formula
1.What is
surplus value?
2.Why is the
exchange of commodities not a method of increasing value? (p. 261)
6: The Sale and Purchase of Labor-Power
1.What does
Marx mean by “labor power”? (p. 270)
2.What does
Marx mean in this passage: “For the transformation
of money into capital. . . this worker must be free in the double sense. . . “? (p. 272)
3.How is the
value of labor-power determined? (p.
this sentence: “The sphere of
circulation or commodity exchange . . . is the exclusive realm of Freedom,
Equality, Property and Bentham.” (p.
III: The Production of Absolute
7: The Labor Process and the
Valorization Process
1.What is “labor
in a form in which it is an exclusively human characteristic”? What distinguishes the worst architect from
the best of bees? (pp. 283-284)
distinguishes different economic epochs?
(p. 286)
3.What, from
a capitalist standpoint, is the difference between individual consumption and
productive consumption? (p. 290)
4.Why does
Marx say that in the valorization process,
“we are no longer concerned with the quality, the character and content
of the labor”? (p. 296)
5.Why does
only socially necessary labor-time count towards the creation of value? (p.
6.Why does
Marx say that “the transformation of money into capital, both takes place and does not take place in
the sphere of circulation ”? (p. 302)
8: Constant Capital and Variable Capital
1.Why does
Marx say that “the means of production can never add more value to the product
than they themselves possess”? (p. 314)
constant capital and variable capital (p. 317)
9: The Rate of Surplus-Value
1.What is “necessary
labor” and what is the difference between it and “socially necessary labor time”? What is “surplus labor”? (p. 325)
2.What is
the formula for the rate of surplus value? (p. 324)
3. What is
the idea behind Senior’s “last hour”?
4.What is
the surplus product?
10: The Working Day
1.Why does
Marx call capital dead labor? (p. 342)
the distinctions that Marx draws between pre-capitalist slavery and capitalist
slavery in the United States. (p. 345)
the struggle for the shortening of the working day from the mid 14th
century to the mid 17th century.
(pp. 375-389)
the struggle for the English factory legislation of 1833-1864. (p. 389-411)
5. Comment
on this passage: “In the United States
of America, every independent workers’ movement was paralyzed as long as
slavery disfigured a part of the republic.
Labor in the white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in
the black skin.” (p. 414)
6. Comment on this passage: “In place of the pompous catalogue of the ‘inalienable
rights of man’ there steps the modest Magna Carta of the legally limited
working day which at last makes clear ‘when the time which the workers sells is
ended and when his own begins. “ (p. 416)
11: The Rate and Mass of Surplus-Value
What is the “inversion
“peculiar to and characteristic of capitalist production? (p. 425)
IV: The Production of Relative
12: The Concept of Relative
1.What is
the difference between absolute surplus value and relative surplus value? (p. 432)
2.Why does
the value of commodities stand in inverse ratio to the productivity of labor?
(p. 436)
13: Co-operation
1.When does
capitalist production only really begin? (p. 439)
2.Why is it
that “even without an alteration in the method of work, the simultaneous employment of a large number
of workers produces a revolution in the objective conditions of the labor
process”? (p.441)
3.What is
co-operation? Why does it represent “the
creation of a new productive power which is intrinsically a collective one”?
(p. 447)
14: The Division of Labor and
1.What is
the manufacturing period properly so called? (p. 455)
2.What are
the two fundamental forms of manufacture? (p. 461)
3.What does performing
constant labor of one uniform kind do to a human being? (p. 460, p. 470)
4.Why does
Marx say that “the division of labor in manufacture, reacts back upon that in
society, developing and multiplying it further”? (p. 473-475)
5.Who says
that “to subdivide a man is to execute him?” (p. 484)
6.How does
Marx contrast political economists to writers of classical antiquity, in their
discussions of division of labor? (p. 486)
15: Machinery and Large-Scale Industry
1.How do
machines abolish the role of the handicraftsman? (pp. 495-497)
2.How does
the motive mechanism of the machine acquire an independent form? (p. 499, p.
3. Analyze
this passage: “In manufacture, the organization of the labor process is
purely subjective: It is a combination
of specialized workers. Large-scale
industry, on the other hand, possesses in the machine system an entirely
objective organization of production, which confronts the worker as a pre-existing
material condition of production.” ( p. 508)
4.How does
Marx define the production of relative surplus-value? (p. 534)
5. Comment
on Marx’s description of “the automaton” as “dead labor which dominates and soaks up
living labor power.” (p. 548)
6.How does
Marx respond to political economists who say that machinery which displaces
workers simultaneously sets free capital adequate to employ the same number
which have been displaced? (p. 565)
7.How does
the development of large-scale industry affect women, children and the family? What does Marx mean in this passage? “However terrible and disgusting the
dissolution of the old family ties within the capitalist system may appear, large-scale
industry, by assigning an important part in socially organized processes of
production, outside the sphere of the
domestic economy, to women, young persons and children of both sexes, does nevertheless create a new economic
foundation for a higher form of the family and of the relations between the
sexes.” (pp. 620-621)
8.How does
Marx view the effects of capitalist production on the environment? (p. 637)
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